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11 posts tagged with "2025"

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· One min read
Victor Kozub

Happy Birthday, YC! I've been a regular participant in the HN community since 2012. All these years HN has inspired me and during this time I've learned a lot. I started back in the days of building FIDO, when the first point networks appeared. Of course, I’d love to see more communities and fewer bots, but progress is unstoppable. I wish the HN community to thrive and remain strong for many years to come.

I'm creating a mobile reader (iOS app) specifically for HN and if you want to join to speed up the process, you're welcome! Join to TestFlight!

For those who don't have iOS, I started a Twitch stream for the vibe.


For the last 14 years, I’ve been developing AnimationCPU project.

I also created some links for those interested in the technology and an Open letter for anyone who wants to join.

I’m urgently looking for a job, please CC

Animation CPU The Matrix 1.1 from Animation CPU Studio on Vimeo.

· One min read
Victor Kozub

Compilation of the release build of the mobile project in the ACPUL programming language takes only 9.5 seconds. And this is using only single thread and single CPU core and the compiler can be optimized even more. This is possible because the ACPUL language and compiler are super light. And this is a multifunctional mobile metaverse app with an IDE and a demo game.

AnimationCPU boots in 1.5 seconds

· 2 min read
Victor Kozub

AnimationCPU is a new metaverse for creators and players like Roblox and Minecraft. Create online and offline quests and play games toggether.

Join to The Matrix 1.1

Animation CPU The Matrix 1.1 from Animation CPU Studio on Vimeo.

For Influencers and just great people!

Share 😍 Repost about the magical metaverse AnimationCPU on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. This will help attract more people and increase your payouts. Everyone who shares will definitely receive a bonus and become the legend

Chat AI

For Developers

Bounties Granted! As a programming language author, I offer you incredible opportunities. If you like it, I'll be happy. No need to go through 20 technical interviews with 20 recruiters—just show your work, set up a reward, and the judges will review and approve it.

For Angels and Investors

AnimationCPU is seeking investments for 10x++ growth.

For Business

We are open to cooperation with your company and improving your products with the AnimationCPU Metaverse AI business network

For Sponsors

Always open for sponsors and people who support the best ever metaverse. Be legendary! Please PM me and send funds ASAP

Help Ukraine! Support us🇺🇦

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ETH: 0xF1C62904032Bc3D65599257afC1C0d967258F417