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Update 2022 Autumn

· 2 min read
Victor Kozub

In the fall of 2022, it wasn't easy to find time due to constant attacks, but progress exceeded all expectations and I was preparing for a big launch.

Layers of Animation CPU

Layer 0: Math, Physics, Quantum Physics, Electricy, Biology & Chemicals

Layer 1: Logic, Electronic, Hardware

Layer 2: Programming basics & hacks. Assembler, Block Schemes, MMU & Memory Managment

Layer 3: Programming languages: BASIC, C, C++, Algorthms Programming: Strings, Array, Maps, Sorting, IO, Networking. Classes, Match

Layer 4: Programming architecture: API, Web, VM, Platform independent, FPGA, Blockchain, Social & Esoteric programming, Unmainable Programming, Programmers as Rust Gears

Layer 5: AI programming: Copilot Programming, Programming as service AI, Multiverse Programming, Unmainable AI, AI self programming, Self-recovering schemes and robots, Self-destroyable hardware, Homemade chips. Politics AI programming clusters metaverses & Weapons robots AI

Layer 6: Quantum programming ?

Tasks update

p1. llog events
+p2. llog multiline textview msg
p2.1 touch on/off msg view
p2.2 show msg view with index
p3. touch limit
p4. visible limit
p5. llog main texture
p7. llog scroller acceleration
p8. llog node attribute
p9. i18n load strings

1. site update
1.1 email user update
"Sign up below for updates, and be the first to know about it."

1. sys.llog2
+1.1 basic api
1.2 extend api - print format

+1.3 acpu: link fns base api
+1.4 acpu: impl new llog object type
1.5 acpu: impl select path
1.5.1 select base
1.5.2 push, pop
+1.5.3 get
+1.6 acpu: impl put, replace
+1.7 acpu: impl get
1.8 acpu: impl erase
+1.9 acpu: impl get children

1.10 events
1.10.1 put event date type: put, replace, erase path msg
1.10.2 events.on flag

2. llog.h acpul static
2.1 link logging
+2.1.1 link : livelog.h, llog.h, livelogging.h
2.1.2 link : ALiveLog2, link static llog
2.2 flag: log to net disable
2.3 fn sync to net
2.4 flag: events disable
2.5 flag: connect disable
+2.6 add events

+3. test llog
+3.1 test node

4. llog nodes tree view
+4.1 llog nodes view
+4.2 llog node
+4.2.1 path
4.2.2 text
4.3 scroller
4.4 events processing
4.4.1 put
4.4.2 replace
4.4.3 erase