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CV Victor Kozub


Name: Victor Kozub

Discord: gojodev

gojo89j at gmail dot com

LinkedIn Victor Kozub


My contribution to open-source

Software Architect and Compiler Optimization Engineer

I writing secure, highly optimized code and building robust, scalable architectures. My journey began with programming microcontrollers like 8051, PIC, AVR, and 8086, where I developed my first RTOS and worked on hardware projects in a garage with a college friend. My foundational expertise lies in low-level programming with Assembler, C, and Verilog. In the pre-GPU era I developed numerous highly optimized firmware solutions for devices such as a Multifunctional Caller-ID with Voice using 64k ROM assembler code, 4-voice polyphony on an 8052 running at 20MHz, a billiard timer with a remote control featuring encryption and an RG LED screen with a 16x8 register block.

Programming Languages & Compilers

  • Researched compilers since 2012 driving the development a high-performance programming language ACPUL.
  • Fixed Valgrind for 64-bit MacOS.
  • Optimized Python’s GIL to support 30,000 threads without locks in 2008.
  • Designed a real-time reverse debugger and VM architecture focused on peak performance without JIT with a math exprtk based VM.
  • Improved DCC decompiler outputs for better C translation.
  • Developed a high-performance database cache and SQL PL for it.


  • iOS hacker since 2008. I stared from my iPhone 2G Q3 2007

Cryptography & Blockchain

  • Optimized ZCash Equihash CUDA miner for performance gains.
  • Contributed to Komodo's Ledger Nano firmware and adding x86 support for debugging cryptographic protocols and algorithms.
  • I worked on zk-SNARKs to integrate libzk into Ethereum
  • Adding ZK ot EVM libsnarks and Solidity implementation of zk-SNARKS.
  • Zero Knowledge smart contracts for Partisia
  • EVM assembly gas optimization for Oracles and my SSTORE packing algo

Artificial Intelligence & GPUs

  • Developed GPU kernels and assemblers for benchmarking hardware configurations (RTX 4090, A100, H100).
  • Created KudoMine, the world’s first visual mining algorithm for AI benchmarking.
  • Extensive experience with TensorFlow and TinyNN optimization. Operating Systems & Embedded Development
  • Created RTOS, OS, and virtual machines tailored for high-performance applications.
  • Developed embedded Linux hardware drivers, both with and without MMU.
  • Optimized cryptographic algorithms like 3DES for secure gaming VMs on AVR and mobile wallets.
  • Worked on the RSA Challenge and designed the core of a network security scanner.

Media & Streaming

  • Optimized streaming of 16-channel spatial audio to multiple web browsers.
  • Enhanced performance of Erlyvideo (Erlang video streaming server) with RTSP. Built a custom VNC solution to control Mac from iOS using FFMPEG and RTP with low latency.
  • Optimized H.263 hardware decoding on Au1200 CPUs.
  • Developed FFLAN, a video search tool based on frame analysis.


  • Designed high-performance architectures for complex systems.
  • Pioneered advancements in compilers, real-time systems, and AI-driven GPU benchmarking.
  • Contributed to cryptographic and media technology innovations.

Events and prizes

Hacktoberfest 2024 (2024)

ACPUL is a head liner of Hacktober 2024 with leap-year challenge
Event: Hacktoberfest 2024
Company: Animation CPU Studio

Futurist Blockchain Conference (2018-2019)

AthemGOLD and Ryan Logan Golema my amazing lead made that confenece in Toronto, Canada with the key speaker Vitalik Buterin
Event: Futurist Blockchain Conference
Company: AthemGOLD

More events

  • Remote Pioneer Accelerator (Top 50 Europe 2020)
  • 2006-2008
  • Photokina 2014
  • 2008
  • Pokki Challenge 2011
  • SoundGenerator Top 10 AppStore Music apps 2010

Educational Background

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' (2001)

Master of Computer Science Specialist’s degree in Microelectronics and Software DevelopmentGrade

Kyiv Industrial-Economic College (1999)

Bachelor of Electronic DevicesGrade

Pioneer Startup Accelerator (2020)

😀 Pioneer Tournament co-founder, Top-50 Europe

Professional Experience

Bittensor (2024)

Title: Senior AI Developer
April 2024 - June 2024
Company: Bittensor
Bittensor core. Benchmarking AI hardware (A100, H100). Hashcat GPU kernels. Tensorflow training benchmarks, TinyNN benchmarks. The world's first visual mining algorithm KudoMine. Akash network integration: docker image, kubernetes and web panel, CLI scripts with provider-services, docs
AIBlockchainBittensor coreBittensorweb3walletreliabilityKudoMinekernelCUDAA100H100benchmarkhashcatCLITinyNNAkashDockerkubernetessn-27provider-servicesArtifical Intellegence

QPQ (2022)

Title: Senior Rust Developer
April 2022 - June 2022
Company: QPQ
I've worked in the team to develop web3 node with rust and web3 backend
BlockchainrustQPQweb3ETH nodegethwalletEthereumrust web3 nodeRust EVMHederaAlgorandUnit Test

Casper Labs DEVxDAO (2021)

Title: Senior Rust Developer
May 2021 - June 2021
Company: Casper Labs DEVxDAO
Rust/WebAssembly Casper Smart Contracts, NFT, POC050, Ethereum to CSPR bridge. Casper ecosystem monitoring tools (Casperstatus). CSPR core develop, cli tools, debug libraries. Casper Rust and JS SDK researcher
Blockchainrustsmart-contractsCSPRNFTweb3WebAssemblypoc050Ethereumbridgereliabilitymonitoring toolsCasper SDKDEVxDAOcasper

Web3 Crypto Wallet (2018-2024)

Title: Web3 Crypto Wallet Maintainer
Jan 2018 - Present
Company: Web3 Crypto Wallet
World's first mobile 3D crypto wallet. Multiple networks and smart-contracts on mobile. Ethereum, dApps, RWA, NFT, Bittensor subnet sn-w3w, Solana, Research
BlockchainWeb3WalletNFTRWAACPULC/C++Pythonweb3VMEthereumdAppsAIreliabilitySDKsmart-contractsW3WInfuraGame DevelopmentSolana

AthemGold (2018)

Title: Senior Blockchain Developer
Septempber 2018 - December 2021
Company: AthemGold
I've worked on multiple products with Ryan Logan Golema and the team. Rust VM research & development. Debugging tools. HERC blockchain & ecosystem architecture. Development Unity Games with smart-contracts. Develop CLI for multiple Truffle smart-contracts
BlockchainC/C++PythonJavaScriptrustNFTGame Developmentweb3WebAssemblyVMEthereumreliabilitymonitoring toolsSDKUnityCLItrufflesmart-contractsAthemGoldHERC

Komodo (2017)

Title: Ledger Nano Firmware Developer
Septempber 2017 - October 2017
Company: Komodo
I've developed 1st version of Komodo firmware for Ledger Nano. Improved Ledger Nano firmware build to support gdb on x86 platform without hardware